Headed out to go trout fishing on Pine Creek in the North Hills of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Saturday, April 18th and was met with this odd sign in the parking lot along Wildwood Road in Allison Park. I usually adventure out into the woods or water to get away from folks for a while, so this sign reinforced my philosophy. In all serious, please heed the signs message and social distance, wear a protective mask and just use commonsense during this time.
On a brighter note, I did catch a 10.5 inch Rainbow Trout on a yellow with red dotted Panther Martin spinner and yellow Power bait worm teaser.
Stay safe out there!
The Allegheny Health Department is the lead agency in the area providing response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Visit their web page that contains information on the virus, its impact in Allegheny County, information and guidance from the department and its partners, and resources for residents and specific groups.
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