Finding Good Fishing Advice Can Be Easy If You Know Where to Look

The Pittsburgh Post Gazette recently posted a fishing article by John Hayes titled "Good advice on trout fishing is available if you know how to find it" A very good read with your Sunday morning coffee. Kozelnik Creekside of FishNorthHills - a Pittsburgh fishing blog would like to highlight a few good points in the article:

Trout caught in Pine Creek,
North Park, Pittsburgh, PA

  1. Brand names can matter but don't fall prey: "Good equipment is expensive for a reason. But when a salesperson seems to be pushing a pricey brand, or you feel pressured to spend more, walk away -- you’re not getting good advice."
  2. You Ultimately Catch Fish not the Expensive Equipment:  "If somebody tells you to pitch your Walmart Ugly Stick and invest in an $800 Sage Circa fly rod, tell him you’ll get there on your own."
  3. Live Bait: ”Every [bait fisherman] carries worms whether they use them or not,“ said Ed Vaccari at Tackle Unlimited. ”But the best bait is for trout in my experience is butter worms.“
Thanks John! Read the complete Post-Gazette article and Good Luck on opening day!
