I work on the North Shore of Pittsburgh on River Road which is a stones throw from the Allegheny River. I walk the North Shore trail most days during lunch. I stop every 50 feet or so to check the shoreline habitat for activity of fish. Every once in a while I'll catch a few roaming carp or shad and it is uplifting to know that the rivers are active with life.
This summer while walking towards the North Shore Riverfront Park I came across a mixed bag of outdoors enthusiast lined along the river fishing in front of the Pittsburgh Pirates ballpark. It was a welcoming and curious site to see fishing along the banks of the Three Rivers at mid-day during the week.
It was Venture Outdoors TriAnglers Weekly Fishing Club. The club members ranged from toddler to seasoned angler and all seemed to be enjoying the weather, fishing and each others company.
In a busy world where work, the economy and everyday worries bog you down - the sight of multi-generational Pittsburghers "wetting their lines" off of the subtle slopes of PNC Bank park was very comforting. Kozelnik Creekside salutes Venture Outdoors for a great job in keeping fishing at the forefront of outdoor activities in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Check out Venture Outdoors for upcoming events!
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