Catfish and Carp Aquarium Active in Pine Creek - Pittsburgh, PA

Mid-summer is upon us and one of my favorite ways to celebrate the season is a walkabout fishing excursion on Pine Creek in the North Hills of Pittsburgh.  On Tuesday I set out on my usual fishing trek through the Pine Creek on Wildwood Road off of North Park in Hampton, P.A.  Carp and small bass were aplenty as they were visible along the banks.  I fished my usual spot and continually sunk night-crawlers under a large downed tree until I hooked into this 22 inch catfish.  This spot is usually good for at least one of these beasts. If you know the shadows and holes it won't take long to hook up and watch the cat run.    I also brought along my fly rod and caught about 20 bluegill and small bass through out the day.  I used a green beaded woolly bugger.  When the fish ignore the worm which is rare, you can always pass the time fooling the bluegills.

Beverage of the Day: Monster Lo-Carb
Cigar of the Day: Basic $3.00 Fuente (clear wrapper/white lettering - I quickly picked this up a local shop to pass the time - not bad actually)
